

We use Node-RED for interfacing our lighting equipment with devices that do IP communication for IoT, AI, AR, etc.

もし、御社がIoT、AI、ARなどを行うITを専門としている会社でしたら、弊社の持つDALIやKNXといったオープンな設備のプロトコルとの間にNode-REDを使うことで、ほとんどコードを書くことなくPoC (Proof of Concept) を行うことができます。

If your company specializes in IoT, AI, AR, etc., you can use Node-RED with open equipment protocols such as DALI and KNX to do a PoC with very little code.


For example, it took us about half a day to experiment with Microsoft HoloLens2 and KNX shown in the video below.


If you are considering combining your business with lighting, air conditioning, or other equipment in real space, please feel free to contact us.


First, let’s actually connect and experience it, and then think together about what kind of value we can create with it!


I will explain how we connect HoloLens2 and the lighting system below.

物理的な接続 Physical connection



Wi-FiルーターからHoloLens2が無線でつながり、Node-REDを動かすRaspberryPIとKNX-IP RouterはLANケーブルで接続。

KNX-IP RouterからLED電球やセンサー、マグネットスイッチはKNXでつながっています。

The diagram above shows the physical connection.

The HoloLens2 is connected wirelessly from the Wi-Fi router, and the RaspberryPI running Node-RED and the KNX-IP Router are connected via LAN cable.

From the KNX-IP Router, LED bulbs, sensors, and magnetic switches are connected via KNX lines.

信号の流れ Signal flow


HoloLens2からはMQTTでNode-REDにデータを送受信、KNXからはKNX-IP Routerを通してTCPでNode-REDと信号のやりとりを行います。

HoloLens2 sends and receives data to Node-RED via MQTT, and KNX sends and receives signals to Node-RED via TCP through KNX-IP Router.

Node-REDのフロー Flow

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This is the Node-RED flow for HoloLens2 and equipment (KNX and DALI) integration.

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KNX ULTIMATEというライブラリを使いKNXとの接続を行いました。

We used the library KNX ULTIMATE to connect to KNX.

node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (node) – Node-RED

Flow to display KNX sensor (temperature and humidity) values on HoloLens

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KNXセンサーからのデータをKNX ULTIMATEノードでKNX側から受信、MQTTノードでトピックを温度:/KNX/sensors/temperature、湿度:/KNX/sensors/humidityに指定して送信。

Data from KNX sensors is received from the KNX side by the KNX ULTIMATE node, and sent by an MQTT node with the topic specified as /KNX/sensors/temperature for temperature and /KNX/sensors/humidity for humidity.

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The HoloLens side receives MQTT and displays the temperature and humidity data.

Pressing a button in virtual space from HoloLens to change the color of LED with DALI

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MQTT INノードで、トピック”/KNX/SwitchDevice/control/rgb”にHoloLensからデータがきます。赤なら1、黄色なら2、青なら3、OFFなら4で、それぞれがKNXのシーンの値となっており、KNX ULTIMATEノードに値を送ると該当するシーン(色)でLEDが点灯します。

In the MQTT IN node, data from the HoloLens is sent to the topic “/KNX/SwitchDevice/control/rgb”. The values are 1 for red, 2 for yellow, 3 for blue, and 4 for off, each of which is a KNX scene value.

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まとめ Conclusion




We are good at using open protocols such as DALI and KNX to control equipment and acquire sensor information.

Using Node-RED, you can send and receive data freely using TCP, UDP, MQTT, HTTP, etc. As long as you just want to connect, we can start working with it right away.

If you are considering collaboration with equipment as your business, please feel free to contact us.